Wheels & Waves

Mix together motorcycles, music and all manner of laid-back leisure activities. Locate the resulting five-day festival on the French / Spanish border, and you’ve got a recipe for success. So says Ian Woolley, who had a whale of a time… This year’s W&W event was the sixth, although in many ways ‘event’ is too small a word for this multifaceted…

Sunbeam S8

The August issue of RealClassic magazine features a splendid story of perseverance and commensurate success, as RC regular Stuart Urquhart fettles one of Sunbeam’s unique inline twins. There wasn’t space in print to show off the delightful original illustrations to best effect – so here they are in full-size web-o-vision, along with a quick history of BSA’s luxury shaft-drive 500,…

An Enfield Excursion, Part the Last

Stuart and Ian have taken their Enfield Bullets on an extended sprint around Scotland. Another couple of riders join the fray: time for a spot of bike-swapping before Stuart’s Bullet mysteriously starts to lose power… Day Three: 156 miles While Doug was engaged in the trappings of business, Ian and I took off for a late morning shakedown to the…

An Enfield Excursion, Part Two

Last time, Stuart Urquhart set off on his classic big single on an extended sprint around Scotland. He meets up with RC rider Ian aboard another Enfield Bullet, and together the pair explore the B-roads beyond Loch Lomond… Day One: 117 miles I was suffering the ravages of one too many Blondes (see previous episode). Fortunately, I had several hours…

British and Classic

Back in 1977 Paula Davis and Beaver Hughes, interested in old British motorcycles, said ‘let’s start a club.’ Six people took the idea to heart and founded the North West Wales British Motorcycle Preservation Society. This year, the Society celebrated its 40th anniversary, and Richard Jones was there to capture the highlights for us… The anniversary event took place at…

A Vintage Venture

The Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club is dedicated to bikes built before 1940 – and many of these magnificent machines are regularly ridden. Richard Jones found some real rarities at last month’s Rose of the Shires run. As you can see, there isn’t a better venue than Stoke Bruerne for this type of event, particularly when the sun is shining. As…