RealClassic revels in the nuts and bolts of running, riding and rebuilding real classic motorcycles. Expert and enthusiastic real-life riders from across the world share their passion for old bikes.

This month:
The American motorcycle industry has always done things its own way. Alan Cathcart discovered a lot of history after riding a Pierce Four…
Not all Golden Flashes were actually golden, you know. Frank Westworth sings Black Is Black, while riding this baby back…
Steven Troupe owns a veritable bevy of Ducati’s iconic bevel-drive twins, including a roundcase 750 and a genuine Mike Hailwood replica.
Superficially similar, each offers a distinctly different ride. If you could own just one of them, which would you choose?
NSU 201
If your lifetime ambition is to ride in the Banbury Run, then swapping a hundred horsepower Triumph triple for a quirky German pre-war single makes perfect sense. At least, it did to Mark Brett…
And there’s lots more, as well as the regulars, including: We’ve Got Mail!, Pub Talk, Ollie’s Oddjobs and Tales from the Shed.
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