We take the new BSA super-single for a spin in the July issue of the magazine. We also hear from one owner who put his money where his mouth is. Chris Golby tells us exactly what it’s like to own and ride the dohc 652cc Goldie…

Unfortunately, however, there wasn’t a whole lot of space on the printed page to share Chris’ photos of his Gold Star. So here they are for you to admire in glorious web-o-vision.

Chris took delivery of his BSA back in March and has covered more than 2000 miles since then.

‘The Gold Star will easily cruise at 70mph-plus but, bearing in mind it’s a naked bike, a comfortable cruising speed for me is 60 to 65mph,’ he says. ‘The steering, handling and brakes are excellent. It handles well, goes where pointed and stops very well indeed.
‘What I really like about the new Gold Star is that the seating position, height, etc, are very similar to the original pre-unit A and B series, A50 and A65, so very suited to me.

‘The power is excellent and the torque is phenomenal, no need to keep changing up and down. Overall it looks amazing and is a fitting tribute to the Armoury Rd equivalents.’

You can read more from Chris – and our full roadtest of the new Gold Star – in RC231 which also features anothe electric-start BSA – this time an upgraded A65…

Photos by Valerie Cleeve