We’ve always offered RC subscribers a little bit extra, to say thanks for your continued companionship with our shared adventures with classics (and clunkers!). So as well as receiving the best-valve old bike magazine on the market, delivered direct to the door, regular readers also benefit from a monthly subscriber newsletters, access to the exclusive Facebook group, and occasional giveaways.

This month, we’re delighted to announce the three lucky winners of the new Vintage & Classic Motorcycle: Diary of 1000 Rides full-colour bookazine. The Diary of 1000 Rides retails for £9.99 and lists over a thousand motorcycling events and recommended rides. The three free copies we’re giving away should arrive with the winners just in time to join the summer fun.
This bookazine is much more than just an events list: it also contains a range of articles intended to encourage folks to take the plunge with a classic bike. This might not be entirely useful to ‘higher mileage’ riders, of course, but you might have a pal who’s considering buying his or her first old Britbike. S/he might well benefit from features about the postwar history of motorcycling; how to buy a classic; what your toolbox can’t do without; technical terminology, future classics and old bikes to buy for under a grand.

Many of these features have been painstakingly researched and wittily writ by Ollie ‘OddJob’ Hulme of this parish, so you know in advance that they’ll be entirely entertaining. As a bonus, there are other features from Vintage & Classic Motorcycle, the VMCC’s monthly magazine; from crossing South America by Norton to restoring a Kawasaki Z1000.
So congrats to the three RealClassic subscribers whose names were plucked from an imaginery hat [drumroll] DGF Jones of Worcester, Paul Pearl of Sittingbourne, and David Mitchell of York. Your prizes are in the post.
Commiserations to everyone else. Better luck next time – but if you’d like to read the V&M Diary, just pop along to Mortons Books to order a copy.