If your 2020 calendar is looking a little empty, then here’s a selection of events being organised by enthusiast clubs that should appeal to the classic rider…

There’s still time (if you’re quick) to enter the DRAGON RALLY which takes place on Sat/Sun 8/9 February somewhere in Wales. Organised by the Conwy MCC as a non-profit event, the rally costs £30 and attendees need to supply SAEs to be sure of getting their instructions and tickets. Online payment is possible.

The Sunbeam MCC host the PIONEER RUN on Sunday 22 March. The premier event for pre-1915 motorcycles and three-wheelers leaves Epsom at 8am, and arrives at Brighton City Airport, Shoreham some time after 10am. Spectators always welcome.
The Royal Enfield OC host an AUTOJUMBLE on Saturday 18 April in the Village Hall, Yardley Gobion, Towcester NN12 7TW (very close to the Super Sausage café in fact!) from 10am to 4pm. Stallholders very welcome to book an indoor table for £5 to sell rare spares and bike bits; outdoor pitches also available (please book asap). Refreshments include hot drinks and CAKE! Entry £3. Limited parking at the hall but plenty at the adjacent pub car park; please be considerate about where you park.
Stall bookings / more info from [email protected]
Entries are now open for the WELSH NATIONAL RALLY, a navigation trial / scatter rally run by the Clive MCC which is open to all motorcycles and three-wheelers. It’s on Saturday 2 May and starts and ends at the Livestock Market at Welshpool. Checkpoints open 7am until 11.30pm although you can plot a shorter route if you prefer! Entry £25. Special awards for classics, vintage, small capacity and three-wheelers, as well as bronze, silver, gold and platinum for people visiting the maximum number of controls.
Following the successful inaugural VMCC north-west area joint section BIKE MEET hosted by Ghost Bikes of Preston last April, it has now been confirmed that Ghost Bikes will host a second event on Saturday 9 May. It is hoped to develop the event by the attendance of one-make owners’ clubs, some motorcycle dealer displays and a small autojumble.
If your club or business would like to attend, contact [email protected]

The utterly excellent GIANT’S RUN returns at 10.30am on Sunday 7 June. Entries open now. Held in Dorset, it’s exclusively for bikes with girder forks of any age, there’s no date cut-off. 80 entries last year and over a hundred expected this time. Choice of two routes (shorter and flatter 35 miles, or a full 65 miles) on roads carefully chosen to be suitable for the machines; a slap-up lunch; an optional evening excursion on the Sat night for folks who are staying overnight, with scope for trailers, camper vans etc at the start/finish venue. Run costs just £6, £13.50 with lunch. Prebook absolutely essential.
There’s a full list of forthcoming classic bike shows, jumbles, rides and rallies in the printed magazine each month. If you’d like your old bike event to be included, drop a line with all the info to RCHQ @ RealClassic.net (this is free for clubs, charity and enthusiast organisations, but commercial for-profit event organisers should first talk to our ad team about securing display ad space)