At its peak Associated Motor Cycle, the proprietor of AJS and Matchless was making 96 motorcycles a day, with 1,500 people employed. By any standards, that’s a big player in the industry.
Though AMC did of course include other names – James, Francis-Barnett and for a time the likes of Norton and Sunbeam – it is AJS and Matchless which first come to mind when ‘AMC’ is mentioned to most enthusiasts.
This instalment in the Scrapbook Series marks another of the giants in motorcycle history. Using images from the Mortons Archive – home of over 4 million motorcycle images dating back to the very beginnings of motorcycle use.
This is a must-read for AJS and Matchless fans, with never before published imagery alongside a dateline of the AMC company. Get started and read The Scrapbook Series: AJS today! Just click here.
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